Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Preppy Suicides: Midpoint Review

I have just passed January in story time, which means I've completed the first semester, which in turn means I'm halfway through the story.

As I began with the first February chapter, I realized that there were only so many plot points left before I had to just cut to the climax or let my characters just look lazy or stupid. The thing is, there are certain characters whose arcs have not yet brought them to where they would need to be for that to happen, and I find myself with a problem: the plot is getting ahead of both the calendar and the characters.

I've also run into the problem of not being sure who knows what at this point, which clues have been discovered and which connections have been made. Being the omniscient creator, it can be easy for me to lose track of which characters know what and when.

That being the case, I have decided that this is as good a time as any to go over the story so far, chapter by chapter, and document all the crucial exposition delivered up until this point so that I can get a better gauge of how to pace everything. This will not doubt be a rather tedious process, but better now than never.

For the record, some of the character sub-plots (which very directly influence the central mystery plot) have recently hit certain scenes that I am incredibly proud of. The last chapter I wrote seriously changes the game of not only this book, but the entire series, and it featured a scene so shocking and tragic (in the classic sense of tragedy, not the contemporary) that it just makes your stomach lurch. Both the story and the character in question just take a sharp turn and start everything spinning on a whole new axis, and I can't wait to pick up the story from where I left it.

More news to come soon!

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